Thursday, September 18, 2014

A slight delay...

This past week the parabolic concentrator project was approved by our engineering mentors!!!  I was a little nervous about our proposal that we wrote for this project.  We had to explain the need and prove that this was possible from an engineering and financial standpoint.  I imagine that this is going to be what the workplace is going to be like as a working engineer, so it was good practice.

A member of my team almost backed out this week due to his course load, but he found out that he went passed the add/drop date.  This caused a little delay in ordering our parts.  Tomorrow we will be going to home depot to start building the framework for our parabolic concentrator.  Pics will be posted as soon as we start building.

After this first month of school this is how I feel, oddly enoughI don't feel to bad about it either.

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