The last two weeks have been incredibly hectic in regard to our project. We launch this coming Saturday and we have all been double checking our payload to make sure it is launch ready. We were having a problem with one of our voltage regulators. It was reaching very dangerous temperatures. after replacing a regulator and a resistor, we were still having the same problem. Low and behold we were drawing too much power from the battery at once. We disconnected the camera from our main power source and wired it to its own battery. The problem instantly went away, like we anticipated.
The way sensors work is by recording a voltage in relation to what it is sensing. A big part of the job is actually being able to convert the recorded data into usable data. This past Monday, I tested the data of that was recorded from the majority of our sensors to make sure the data recorded was actually good. The calculations were good, and our sensors are recording actual data. This is going to be extremely helpful for the conference we are speaking at in a few weeks.
All of this hard work and this is what it translates to!!! HAHA
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