Thursday, October 17, 2013

S-STEM Interview

This week I had my internship interview for the S-STEM program.  I was a little nervous about what questions would be asked, but in the end, I had nothing to really worry about.  Matt asked a few fun questions that helped me relax, and I will find out on Friday what my project will be.  My interests are geared more towards chemistry and applied mathematics, so hopefully they have something that will match my interests.  Today, I found out that next semester I will most likely be part of a project that will be sending a balloon 100,000 feet into the air and measuring the atmosphere's pressure.  A camera will be attached, which will allow us to take pictures of the curvature of the Earth's surface.  I'm pretty excited about all of these opportunities in my life right now.

Until I know more, enjoy a picture of fresh goat cheese that I just made! 

The chemistry behind cheese making is rather simple.  After milk is heated to a desired temperature, an acid is mixed in.  The acid (positive ions) separate the proteins (negative ions) from the milk.  Over time, the milk completely separates the proteins from the liquid.  The separate parts are called curds (what will become cheese), and whey (the by product of this process).  

1 comment:

  1. Dear Mark
    “Determine never to be idle. No person will have occasion to complain of the want of time, who never loses any. It is wonderful how much may be done, if we are always doing.”
    ― Thomas Jefferson
    I really enjoyed your post about internship interview for the S-STEM program. My interests are towards applied mathematics also and I hope to have an a opportunity to be part of a project that will be sending a balloon 100,000 feet into the air.
    Maha Jawad
